Online Application for the Post of Supervisors on Fixed Tenure Basis (FTA4)

Important: All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are Mandatory fields.
Please use Only Tab key or mouse.

Personal Particulars

Name of Candidate (as in school leaving certificate) *

Contact Address and Other Details

C/O , House No., House Name : * Date of Birth *
Street :* Gender *
Area :* Marital Status *
City * Guardian's Name *
District / Taluk * GEN/OBC/SC/ST/EWS *
State *
Pincode *
Nationality *
Religion * If Others Please specify here
Contact Telephone No.
with STD Code (Optional)
Mobile Number* 0
E-mail Address * Mobile Number 2 (Optional) 0
Whether Ex-Servicemen * If Yes, service period (in Years)
Whether Physically Challenged? *
For details under PWD category refer the advertisement(Relaxation applicable only when percentage of disability is greater then or equal to 40% for Locomotor (or) decibels of disability is greater than or equal to 60 dB for Hearing Impaired )

If Yes, Percentage OR
Decibels of Disability (Enter only digits [Whole Numbers only]. Do not enter % or any other symbol)

Whether domiciled(resided) in Jammu & Kashmir between 01/01/1980 and 31/12/1989?*
Click here to validate the entered data  

Educational Qualification

3 yr Diploma in Engineering

Diploma Degree *
Discipline *
Month and Year of Passing *
Name of the Institute/College *
Name of the University *
Duration of Course(in Years) *
Type of Course *

Marks / CGPA ( All semesters All subjects for a degree) *

(Enter marks up to two decimals places only)

Max Marks / CGPA
Marks / CGPA Scored
Max Marks / CGPA
Marks / CGPA Scored
First Year
Second Year
Third year
Total Max Marks/CGPA
Total Marks/CGPA Scored

Click here to Calculate Total Marks/Percentage

Graduation / 5 yr Dual Engineering Degree course

Whether Holding a Graduation degree*
Engineering Degree
Discipline / Branch
Month and Year of Passing
Name of the Institute/College
Name of the University
Duration of Course(in Years)
Type of Course
% marks obtained. Enter equivalent % for CGPA.

Post Graduation

Whether Holding a PG degree*
Degree If Others, Please specify
Month and Year of Passing
Name of the Institute/College
Name of the University
Duration of Course (in Years)
Type of Course
% marks obtained. Enter equivalent % for CGPA.

Post Qualification Experience (Start with recent experience)
Period of Apprenticeship shall not be considered as work experience for this application
(Click the calculate experience button at the bottom after filling the details to calculate Total Period (Months and Days))

S.No. Name of the Organization (Full Name with Address)*
(Max 300 characters)
Position / Designation* From* To* Total Period (Months) Salary per Month(in Rs)* Nature of Duties (give full details)*
(Max 1200 characters)






Click here to calculate total/individual experience

Work Experience

Total Working Experience (In Months and Days) : Relevant Experience (In Months) :*
You are ineligible to apply if relevant experience is less than 12 months and if found incorrect on verification,your candidature is liable to be rejected

Present Employment Status

Employment Status * Current Monthly Gross Salary (in Rs) *

Other Information

Relationship with BHEL Employees
Is your parent/spouse a serving/retired/deceased/resigned BHEL employee *
Relationship with the Employee Name of the Employee
If Yes, give StaffNo. Unit Name
For Deceased BHEL employee wards, Death of the Employee During Service
Important :- All fields are mandatory if your parent/spouse is a serving/ retired/deceased/resigned BHEL employee

Detail of fee (Not applicable for SC/ST/PH candidates)
Cash /DD/PO will not be accepted

Name and place of the SBI branch where fee remitted Fee paid Date
Journal No./ SB Collect Ref No. Given by Bank Amount Paid[Mention 200 ]

References (Other than relatives) *
Contact Telephone No. with STD code/Mobile number


If you have already applied for this advertisement, kindly mention the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT number of the other aplication/s in the comment box.     
Comment :

I Declare that all the information given above is true to the best of my Knowledge.

I certify that the information furnished above is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect, my candidature may be cancelled and I understand that my appointment if made, shall stand terminated without any notice and compensation. 

Important: All fields marked with a red asterisk(*) MUST be filled up

If you are satisfied with the details you have filled in, Please proceed to click the "Submit Application" .
Note: After submission of application no change in application submitted is permissible, However you may apply fresh.