General Instructions

S.No General Instructions
1. Applicant must read the instructions and ensure that the application is submitted successfully and transaction with reference to payment of processing fee is successfully transacted. No other mode of application shall be entertained
2. Application Fee and Processing fee will be applicable as indicated below:

UR/EWS/OBC Rs 400 + 18% GST (Rs. 472/-)
SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Servicemen Rs 400 + 18% GST (Rs. 472/-)
3. This fee is to be paid online through SBI Collect Portal. After depositing the fees, the candidate will be allotted a Bank Reference No. This number is to be entered by the candidate while filling the online application form. Candidates are required to send a copy of this Bank Transaction receipt along with the Acknowledgement slip generated at the time of applying. No other mode of payment is acceptable.
4. In case of multiple submission of ONLINE applications from same applicant, only the last eligible application shall be considered as final submission for candidature in BHEL.
5. The applicant may have to bear Bank Charges over & above the application fees, depending upon fees payment through Internet banking/Debit card/ Credit Card etc.
6. The applicant /Candidates should ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria and other requirements and that the particulars furnished by them are correct in all respect. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment process that the candidate does not meet the eligibility criteria and/or the candidate has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), the candidature of such a candidate is liable to be rejected. If any of the above shortcoming(s) is/are detected, even after appointment, his/her services are liable for suitable actions including termination and prosecution.
7. Candidates not having relevant post qualification experience in areas mentioned under Details of Experience Requirements need not apply. (Note: Post qualification experience should be exclusive of Trainee/Apprenticeships period, if any.)
8. SC, ST, OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), EWS, PwD, J&K domiciled candidates and ex- servicemen should carefully mention the categories, since these details may not be allowed to be changed later. Accordingly, candidates are required to enclose necessary documentary proof with the application. SC/ST/OBC Candidates, while applying for a post where there are no vacancies in their respective reserved categories, will be treated as General candidates and no relaxation will be applicable to these candidates
9. Candidates applying under EWSs category should fulfil the conditions stipulated for applying under Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in civil posts and services in Government of India issued vide DoPT OM dt.31.01.2019. Such candidates should attach the requisite certificate certifying their Income and Asset of the family, from an officer not below the rank of Tehsildar, along with their application and at the time of Document Verification/ Scrutiny.
10. Applications that are not in conformity with the requirements indicated in this advertisement/ incomplete application will not be entertained.
11. Candidates who have left a PSU after voluntary retirement shall be considered only if he/she agrees to return the VRS compensation received to the PSU concerned.
12. The candidature of applicants at all stages of selection process will be provisional and is subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of unique acknowledgement number call letter to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by BHEL. BHEL takes up verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents once again, after the candidate has been selected for the post.
13. Candidates are advised to possess a valid e-mail ID, which is to be entered in the on-line Application Form. They are also advised to retain this e-mail ID active for at least one year as any important intimation to the candidates shall be provided by BHEL through e-mail. They are further requested to check regularly their e-mail (including message in SPAM folder) for any communication from BHEL in this regard. Any important information including Corrigendum/Changes/Updates and information / general instructions during the course of recruitment process and on selected candidates shall be made available either through the website or on the email id and keep it active for at least one year, simultaneously tracking the website for updates.
14. BHEL reserves the right to cancel/ restricts/increase/ reopen the recruitment process, if the need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof. Posts indicated herein may be kept unfilled at the discretion of management.
15. In case of non-joining of a candidate or candidate found medically unfit, waitlist may be operated at the discretion of management
16. Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and/or an application in response thereto shall be subject to jurisdiction of the Courts/ Tribunals/Forums (Jurisdiction Courts) at BHEL,New Delhi.
17. Indian Nationals only need to apply.
18. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
19. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates not invited / selected for interview.
20. For any queries regarding this recruitment please send email to