How to apply

  1. The applications for selection to the above posts will be accepted ONLY ONLINE through our recruitment website - BHEL-CAREERS website . No other mode of application shall be entertained.
  2. The candidates are required to fill the online application and the particulars of the fee, if applicable. A non-refundable fee of Rs.400/- + 18 % GST (Rs. 472/-) is to be paid online through SBI Collect [Link provided in the website]. The receipt/journal no. given by the bank on payment of fee needs to be entered in the online Application Form and print-out of the receipt wherever applicable needs to be sent along with the application form. Any other mode of payment i.e Demand Draft, Money Order, Postal Order, Cheque, etc. is NOT acceptable
  3. Our website BHEL CAREERS website will provide necessary details regarding how to apply, general instructions, last date of submission of applications, requisite Formats to be downloaded, etc.
  4. After successfully submitting the online application, the candidate is required to print the application format which will have the unique acknowledgement No. and send it along with fee receipt, and requisite documents to reach the below address

    Post Box No. 3842
    BHEL House, Sirifort,
    New Delhi-110049

    so as to reach on or before 15.02.2025

  5. BHEL is not responsible for any postal loss/ postal delay in receipt of applications.
  6. The envelope containing the application form should be super-scribed as "Post Applied For - General Manager (Law)"
  7. The necessary documents as listed below (self- attested photo copy) are required to be sent along with the application on or before 15.02.2025
    • Fee receipt as mentioned in the Application Form.
    • SSLC/HSC mark sheet of Birth Certificate (in support of Date of Birth)
    • Qualification mark sheets and certificates of LLB Degree.
    • Qualification mark sheets and certificates of Post Graduate Degree/Diploma as declared in the application form.
    • Community certificate-SC/ST/OBC as per prescribed certificate in various government notifications from time to time. OBC(NCL) certificate to be as per latest guidelines of government and in any event not more than one year old.
    • If claiming age relaxation as candidate from J & K, relevant certificate.
    • Certificates as proof of experience: In the absence of proper service certificate issued by employer, candidate shall be required to send (joining letter/relieving order) and in case of serving employees, (latest salary certificate) may be sent in place of relieving order along with Joining Letter/ Offer letter.

    The above set of documents have to be sent along with the application on or before 15.02.2025 at the following Address:

    Post Box No. 3842
    BHEL House, Sirifort,
    New Delhi -110049

    BHEL shall not be responsible for any postal loss/ postal delay in receipt of applications.
    The APPLICATION SUBMISSION shall be considered SUCCESSFUL only on receipt of Hard Copy Documents at the above mentioned Postal Address.